Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Avoid cliques at school

!9# Avoid cliques at school

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If you thought that the bands were only part of the playground, think again. Maybe it's because of the nature of the work environment at school, or perhaps the behavior of students affects more people than you realize. Whatever the reason, cracks, a common room staff presence. It is not just newbies who have to fight gangs. Even teachers who are isolated at the same school for years and feel pushed out of these selected groups. It seems that what we teachStudents of acceptance and friendship, often not put into practice in the staff room.

Cracks can be made on any other factor that people from each other. This can be as simple as age and sex, and social customs. There are no real rules to win a seat in a clique, and the kind of alienation that we experienced as children follow us into adulthood may have. Even as adults we can begin to ask: "Why not go as I am"

Cracks can be positiveThings: a group of people with similar interests who come together to share ideas and strategies. However, cracks can also be destructive or exclusive and out of the group can provide important information or professional assistance be denied.

And 'difficult if not impossible, to completely eliminate cracking. Managers may want to discourage cliques, if you want to feel the unity of team teaching. The members of the cracks, however, oppose the change and only bandcloser.

Remember that teachers are incredibly popular with his students is not necessarily popular with employees. Although it may seem offensive or confusing, try not to take it personally. Focus on what a few close friends, rather than trying to be accepted into a clique.

As a new teacher can be very stressful. She asked lots of questions about you, and you have a lot of pressure to prove themselves. Cracks staff room are particularly difficultbecause you have no idea of ​​the dynamics or the policies of individual departments or you go to talk, if you have a problem. It can be very disconcerting and depressing at first, and for the first few weeks you may sit in the staff room on the right, in the hope that someone wants to chat with you sometime.

Try the new efforts to teach students and newly qualified teachers welcome to do now. After that probably had been in their shoes before, you probably know how terrible it feelsif nobody speaks to you.

Avoid cliques at school

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